
西班牙语 越南



移动我们的身体, 尤其是当我们步入中年甚至更久的时候, 帮助我们保持健康和长寿. For some, that means regular cycling classes, playing hours of pickleball, or skiing black diamonds. But physical activity doesn’t have to be intense or expensive to provide health benefits.

走, 这是我们大多数人每天都会做的事情, 是一种很好的锻炼方式吗, 科罗拉多州立大学的金伯利·伯克说, an instructor in the College of Health and Human Sciences. “走 gets your heart rate up while being gentle on your joints. 它有助于强健骨骼,避免骨质流失. And the only thing you need to get started is a comfortable pair of shoes.”

也没有新的动作要学, 没有健身房会员或课程费用, 只要你的时间允许,你就可以这样做. 饭后散步, 例如, can aid in digestion by increasing blood flow to the digestive system, moving food along the digestive tract quickly and effectively.

Research has shown that walking at a moderate pace for 30 to 60 minutes, 每周3到5天可以帮助降低血压, 减少患慢性病的风险, 增强肌肉力量和耐力, 并提供其他身心健康奖励.

It’s a message nurses at the 网上博彩澳门银河 try to drive home at cholesterol and blood pressure scre enings. “We make it a point to tell clients that you don’t need to be a marathon runner to get the benefits of exercise,朱莉·阿布拉莫夫说, clinical nurse manager for the Health Promotion Program. “Taking a walk provides amazing health benefits and it can be done anywhere.”

不幸的是, 随着美国人年龄的增长, they are not getting the recommended amount of aerobic exercise, which is any exercise that improves blood flow and sends oxygen to different parts of your body. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans set by the U.S. Department of Health and Human 服务 in 2018 recommend at least 150 to 300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 to 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (or a combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity exercise). The guidelines also include doing muscle-强度ening activities two days a week or more.

In 2020, just 28 percent of American men and 20 percent of women met the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-强度ening exercise. 在本地, 46 percent of men and 36 percent of women in Larimer County said they met the guidelines, according to the Health District’s 2022 Community Health Survey.

Finding activities that get you moving and don’t feel like a chore can help. “It’s important to enjoy whatever ways you choose to be physically active,伯克说。, who also directs the 科罗拉多州立大学成人健身计划 with the Department of Health and Exercise Science. Students help run the program to gain practical experience, providing fitness assessments and working with community members to improve participants’ cardiovascular fitness, 强度, 和灵活性.

散步通常被用作热身或降温, and sometimes as a main form of exercise in the program.


You may be wondering if you need to walk at a certain pace to get the most out of your fitness routine. Some research suggests that walking around 2 miles per hour, 或者在30分钟内跑完一英里, 是一个很好的目标.

伯克有另一种说法. “Our recommendation is that a brisk walk is ideal,” she says. “For instance, you ‘stroll’ at the store or to the mailbox, so ‘brisk’ is a little faster than that.” On a subjective scale with 0 being sitting, and 10 the hardest you have ever worked, 5 is moderate. 你的步速应该在4-5英里范围内.

“谈话测试”可以用来衡量你的强度. 假设你和一个朋友在散步. If you can recite the Pledge of Allegiance, then you’re at a zero. 开始走快点, and you should be able to use natural pauses in the conversation to keep breath regulated. If there’s an opportunity to pick up the pace a little, 这样做, but if you find yourself stopping to catch your breath, 慢下来.

Before lacing up your sneakers, remember to keep safety and comfort in mind. Use sun protection, wear layers, and bring water to stay hydrated. If you’re walking at night, wear bright clothing or a vest so you can be seen.

When it’s hot out, walk with less intensity or 这样做 at a cooler time of day or evening. Or walk at a mall or someplace that has air-conditioning.

如果你想要更剧烈的锻炼, 间歇运动——以更快的速度运动几分钟吗, 然后慢下来恢复, 然后再加速. Treadmills are a good option because you can increase elevation on the machine to get your heart rate up quicker, 而且你是在室内受控制的环境中.

室内跑道提供了一个平坦的表面, 不用躲避汽车或宠物, 你不需要面对冷热, 风, 或错误. There are several in the region you can use for a small drop-in fee or as part of a fitness program (see breakout box).

As with any exercise, if you feel pain or discomfort during a walk, 慢下来 or stop. 一些症状可以通过穿更好的鞋子来解决, but others may require a trip to your health-care provider. If you develop heel swelling or pain from plantar fasciitis, 或者你注意到脚尖疼痛, 考虑换鞋, 伯克说. Pain in the knee, hips, or back: have your gait assessed for any changes in the way you walk.



除了身体上的好处, exercise improves our mental outlook and can help with depression and anxiety. “在太阳出来的时候散步, 看到你周围的绿色, 它能改善你的情绪,” 伯克说 “It gives your brain a chance to 慢下来 and gain some context.”

对她来说, Burke schedules weekly walks with a friend on campus to make sure she gets out of her work chair and gets a good dose of social time, 太.

拉里默县小径 - 此外.gov /天然资源/公园/ regional-paved-trails
柯林斯堡小径 - fcgov.com/parks/trails
红羽毛湖区小径 - 采集.org/trails/redfeather-lakes
温莎轨迹 - recreationliveshere.com/159/trails
公共室外全天候跑道 - Kinard Middle School, Fort Collins High School, Fossil Ridge High School, and Poudre High School
室内跟踪 -柯林斯堡老年中心, 北区阿兹特兰社区中心, 科罗拉多州立大学Glenn Morris Field House, 温莎社区娱乐中心
科罗拉多州立大学成人健身计划 - chhs.colostate.edu/hes/outreach-and-engagement/adult-fitness
欲了解更多信息,请联系Kimberly Burke 金伯利.burke@colostate.edu or 970-491-0928.